Friday 25 October 2019

cross country

On 26th of September we went to cross country, we had to do a run at school, then go to zones. When we went to zones at Monte Cecilia. We had to find a spot to sit, when we found our spot to sit. We waited for the first runners to come up, and the first runners were the year 4 girls. They ran first when they got stetted some rules. They ran off! They went like it was kind of a cool race because the girls were pacing themselves. Its like they didn't want to win it was like a normal run to them when they got over the hill they had 1 more lap to go. They were coming 12th 13th and 14th when we saw them they did a bit better than before but it was like winning to them didn't matter. When they crossed the finish line. The year 4 boys came up and they were all fast when they started running one of Waikowhai boys sprinted the start, then when he came up killer hill, he was coming 13th it was quite annoying because we were all cheering for him. Then he came 13th but there was 3 other boys and one of them came 3rd and his dad was so proud of him. Then it came to the year sixes they went to have their race, when we all ran I was in 7th place until the killer hill came It was very steep.  got very tired going up killer hill so I went back to 21st. I was 21st out of the whole race everyone was faster than me but  Nikhil came 14th. The end

Friday 18 October 2019


On Wednesday we had Futsal at the school. Me and my friends were good at it because we play a lot of football and Futsal is just like football but it is indoor. The coach made us do juggling, it was hard because it was windy outside. At last we played a game. The coach gave us numbers and if he called your number you had to run and play the game. There were two teams and they had to play against each other. I was one of the best players there. I won all the games that I played.