Friday 6 September 2019


On the Wednesdays we have squash in the afternoon. Squash is a fun sports game. It tuns out to be I am really good at squash. We normally have matches at the end. The instructor picks kids that he thinks are good. I am one of the best players in the school. Then we have the matches. I always get picked because I am one of the best players in my class. I normally have match with Ms Daly but I have still not beat her. My squash buddy is Nikhil - he is really good at squash I have some matches with him. I beta him in some games and he beats me in some games. My other friend Yousuf is good as well, he can beat me... and he has. I can't forget about Indie, his game is improving and he has beat me three times. I am good at squash because my family members are squash players. 

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